Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Thyme On My Hands

Today I got my herb garden started. I had thyme, lavender, catnip and chocolate mint from a friends yard, there was also some other spindly thing that I think is an herb but not sure, it was in the box anyway, haha. I had planned to level this somewhat lumpy area of the yard, The Area Formerly Known as Lawn, but there were some tires I had to move first and they had dirt in them... very heavy and I couldn't quite move them. Then I was thinking about how chocolate mint spreads and can become invasive, so I wanted to do what I can to "corral" it. This is when I realized the tires have a purpose in my herb garden. I planted chocolate mint in one of them, and what I think is catnip in the other tire. The lavender and thyme as well as the other little spindly plant are planted near but not in the tires. The little hump they are on will add "texture" to the yard, much better than the flat look I had thought of previously. After planting the herbs I put aged rabbit manure around them all except for the chocolate mint as I filled up the tire with the manure instead of dirt. I like the "natural look" it has now, but know that in a short time that would become a "very over grown look" so I will be putting down a weed barrier (newspaper or cardboard or pet food bags) and covering that with rocks or shavings or whatever I can get my hands on for this work in progress.


Anonymous said...

Good start, Alice. It won't be long thill everything is growing and spilling over the tyres to give a lovely natural look.
Chocolate mint sounds divine! I've never grown that so must look out for it.

Wildside Musing said...

Yes, I was thinking to say the same as Kiwi here... She's said it, so I don't have to! (Just so you know, I drop by now and then but don't always comment!)