Tuesday, April 25, 2006

#64 Cherry blossoms. Some of what you see are on my place, some on the neighbors. I notice I have a lot of young trees coming up that seeded themselves. This is good as one of my cherry trees is dead and needs to be removed, and the other one is partly dead. It needs to be cut back severely or removed. The neighbors cut their trees back severely a few years ago and now they are beautiful again. Posted by Picasa


Wildside Musing said...

Now that's a really pretty sight -- as well as the view out behind it!

Anonymous said...

WOW Alice! I've been gone a few days and your place is transformed!! Amazing the difference some sunshine , blossoms and green grass makes.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Ya Kiwi, it is amazing isn't it... and this isn't even showing any of the yard where a good dose of hard work has been added into the recipe, haha.