Sunday, April 16, 2006

More Plants

I discovered the other day that I had made a planting mistake in my herb garden. I had gotten Lemon Mint and Catnip both in the same tire {tyre for Kiwi :o)} The two plants look a lot alike, or at least when small like they are now, so it was hard to tell them apart, but upon close examination I think I got it, and moved the Lemon Mint to a new tire. Today I found out {at my local plant land} that there are loads of different kinds of Thyme. I'm not sure which kind I got from Spaz and planted in my herb garden already, but today I bought a Spicey Orange Thyme {$2.99} which is now planted among the rest of the herbs. While I was working in the herb garden I heard a cough and looked up to see the neighbors sitting on their deck smoking. YIKES! I knew the deck looked into my yard, but didn't really realize just how uncomfortable this would be for me until this evening. I've been here for 15 years and never had a problem with it before, but the people that live there now use the deck far more than any of the people before them did. I must find a way to put up a barrier between us. There is already a big lilac bush which was always enough until now. Also, a few nights ago when getting ready for bed there was an orange glow outside my bedroom window. I looked out and there was a camp type fire in the that same neighbors yard and he was sitting by it... not anywhere near far enough from my window for my comfort. The new barrier has to be on both sides of that lilac tree.

Today I also bought bedding plants: Swiss Chard and Buttercrisp Lettuce {$.99 each pot, 4 plants per pot}, and some seeds: Cherry Tomatoes, Beef Steak Tomatoes {the smallest and the biggest}, Spinach {never knew there were so many kinds to choose from} and a lettuce mix. I am thinking about making a hanging basket of different lettuces and spinach, it would be very pretty and be handy for picking a few leaves of each to make a salad, though would need more watering than if I plant them in the ground, so this will be a consideration.

Yesterday I planted Kohl Rabi {white} in a pot and {purple} in an egg carton. I had bought these seeds before but never had gotten around to planting them, so hope they are still good. I also have seeds for peas and 2 kinds of beans that I hope are still good. I must prep a place to plant these really soon, somewhere that I can give them something to climb up.

Awhile ago I planted Pumpkin and Squash seeds in pots in the house. They are growing like weeds and getting quite large already. I'm soon going to have to move them into bigger pots or buckets as it's too early to plant them outside.

1 comment:

Wildside Musing said...

Hi Pathfinder, thanks for stopping by my blog this eve. I've been away from home today to get my mind back on right! Just tried to reply to you (at my blog), but bombed my computer! Back to try a second time and if this works, I think I'll try to copy it into a comment over at your blog too. (Which obviously I'm doing now!)

I am very sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time in the "happy" area of your life... You seem such a pleasant and talented person online and deserve to have a cheery life to go along with it too. Perhaps it is your pain that affects your feelings? I find that this can be true for me when I have an injury (like I've recently had)... It makes me a bit more than down and I have to work hard to be up.

I ought to admit I struggle with doing all these 10 steps for happiness too... There are some I've been leaving out -- and then I find myself wondering what must be wrong with me if I can't follow expert advice! But best to remember, we all have ups and downs, and must find our own path to happiness that works for us personally. And plus also keep in mind that happiness is not a constant state of being -- a friend once made me realize that. Life is full of both black and white, good and bad, happy and sad, and to be complete people we should be open to experience it all freely (her words paraphrased). Feelings fluctuate from time to time, moment to moment and it is never perfect. If a happy medium is to be found anywhere -- by all means, take that path!

Phew! I apologize for so many words -- but I hope something in them is of some assistance to you -- or at the very least -- I'd like you to know I care. I do.

Take good care of you!

7:40 PM