Saturday, March 04, 2006


Due to some of life's unhappy experiences, I let my yard go and have done nothing with it for years now. This year I am wanting and planning to work at reclaiming my yard from the "weed monsters". I'm sure my neighbors will be very happy to see at least something done here, and I know I'll feel much better about it all. I know I can only do little bits at a time, but better that than nothing.

I'm starting this blog with "before pictures" of my yard. I know that somewhere I have some pictures of what it was like when I was keeping it mowed and looking nice, but I don't know where they have gotten to, or even if they matter at all here. I will start with the pictures I took a couple days ago with my digital camera. I knew the yard was bad, but looking at these pictures it’s even worse than I thought. I really need help here.

WARNING: The following pictures are not pretty.


squire said...

You are indeed brave my friend.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Thank you, squire. I think it's more desperate than brave, though, lol.